Fulfill a Need

Need ID: 4777
Needed by: 05/01/2024
School: East Middle

Need: MY Student in Need- 8th grade boy, age 14, is in need of shirts, pants, socks underwear, shoes and hygiene items. If you can help, you are asked to make a donation of any amount up to $175 to My Student in Need and we will buy a gift card and the teacher will purchase the needed items listed above and present them to the student in a private and nurturing setting. Remember, you are not required to provide all of the needed amount. Rather, just tell us how much you wish to donate. If you wish to help, please click on the FULFILL THIS NEED button and tell us how you wish to help. Thank you so much. The identification number is: Great Falls-East Middle School #4777.

This need requires a financial obligation of $175. If you wish to donate a different amount, please update the amount below!
Note: Your donation will go directly to the company required to fulfill this need and funds will NEVER go directly to the person in need!

How can I help?

Fill out the form below to let us know you want to help. Once you submit the form you will receive instructions on what to do next.

Donor Info









*Have you received help from this website in the past?

*Donation Amount:
*If you wish to donate a different amount, please change the amount here.

*Required fields!

I hereby pledge to fulfill this need to the best of my ability.

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